Single Rhombus Bracelet


Skill Level: Beginner

Supplies Required: 13 White, 12 Pink, 12 Orange, 0-8 White for extension, 1 Clip

Description: This pattern gets its name from the shape when placing the elastics onto the loom, which is a rhombus (or lazy square shape). Another name for this pattern is the caterpillar.

A picture of the Single Rhombus Bracelet

Rainbow Loom Patterns - Single Rhombus bracelet

A video tutorial to make the Single Rhombus Bracelet

Step-by-Step Instructions for the Single Rhombus Bracelet

1) Single Rhombus

2) 13 White, 12 Pink, 12 Orange, 0-8 White for extension, 1 Clip

3) Position the loom so the arrow is pointing up

4) On the right 2 columns, create a slanted "U" shape with:

- white along the bottom

- orange along the left

- pink along the right

...repeat overlapping the "U" shape

5) Place a white elastic across the top right pegs

6) Double up a white elastic by twisting, and place onto top right peg

7) Turn the loom around so the arrows are pointing down

8) Loop in the following


- white elastic to the right peg

- pink elastic to the upper peg

- orange elastic to the upper peg

... repeat

9) Finish looping with the white elastic to the top center peg

10) Insert the loom tool through all the elastics on the top center peg

11) Place a white elastic onto the hook of the loom tool and pull elastic through and loop onto tool

12) Carefully pull the entire pattern from the loom

13) Turn the loom so the arrow is point up, and place the extension elastics

14) Remove the pattern from the loom tool, and place the loop onto top pegs of the extension

15) Turn loom so arrows are pointing down, and loop the extension

16) Attach the Clip to the top elastics of the extension, then remove extension from the loom

17) Attach the clip to the other end of the pattern

18) Single Rhombus